Fan Feedback for "Everything's a Dollar in This Box"

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Actually I was the last person they let in at 21 Grand, and I was
heading downtown to look for an address of 21 Grand...Just lucky to see
the crowd outside!
Great show at 21, lots of charm and personality.

So, Rick, after seeing your act, all I can say is.."Where's the flood"?
Andre in S.F.

Hi y'all,

   I was at the 21 Grand show on the 27th and it was perfect. I've been a Waits fan for 20 years, have every album, have seen him in concert, and even saw The Black Rider at the ACT last year. Your show - and by "your" I mean all of the bands - was perfect, dreamlike almost. You put on a show that brought to life the characters and songs of Waits/Brennan in a way that I wouldn't have thought possible. The changing moods was great, the scope of the songs chosen was awesome, the variation on performance styles was just too perfect for words. You folks have to do that again. Get the word out to Waits-lovers everywhere to see what you are doing. I can't imagine a Waits aficiando who wouldn't be blown away by your show.
  If you are selling video/audio of the show, let me know so that I can turn folks onto it.

Rich McNelis

I went to the “Everything’s a Dollar in this Box” show Saturday; it was one of the best performances to which I’ve ever been. I was inspired by the sincerity and conviction throughout the show that only comes from people doing a project for the love of doing it.

I loved your show, and hope that it will be repeated, as I was only let in after intermission and missed the first half. Also, at least 7 of my friends were turned away at the door, and I know more who I’d like to bring out, too. Please inform me of a repeat performance time and venue.

Again, great show.


Roger Hodges

April 13th and 14th
21 Grand in Oakland
Due to popular demand an encore perfomance!
Everything's a Dollar in this Box: 
the songs of Tom Waits on cheap instruments!
More info coming soon!


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