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Interview with the East Bay Express, Jan 24th 2007
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Interview with the SF Chronicle on Jan 26th 2007
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"5 Cent Coffee is as delightful as a Bing cherry dipped in battery acid."
                                    -Amy Zing

         Who knew he'd get so brainwashed one day that he'd be paired off Meryl Streep?), after countless beer breaks, and the auld lang syne, I came away wondering about degreees of separation, I'm my own person for goodness sake, the reed bows to no one, er, no, the oak bows to no one, the reed bows to everyone, but doesn't break (what's the message here, better to suck up to everyone then die?), ("Yes, we're all individuals" after all), but, tell me, are there degrees of minionhood? I fear I'm melting, in my acknowledgement and appreciaton of the talent I saw, displayed last night, like brown sugar....



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